Sunday, December 12, 2010

Be Kind, Be Easy, It hurts...

Be kind, Be easy, It Hurts ...
She says when everyone stares at her.
Why can't I just be alone?

Time eases the pain.
This pain is deep.
This pain is sharp.
This pain is cold.

What once was, now isn't.
What once grew, now doesn't.
My heart remains though.
Broken in Pieces.
His beside mine.

I apologized to him.
He told me not to.
I felt like I had to.
It's my fault, so I feel.

My tears are running empty.
Quiet is almost over,
I don't want to go.
I want to stay here.
Where it's safe, where I can still feel you.

Where I rested for you.
Where I ate for you.
Where I dreamed for you.

Where you would have called home.

They say it happens to most of us.
Not all of us, but most of us.
When did we become us? 
We're supposed to be... Different!

With a broken heart,
With tear stained eyes,
I'm waiting... 
I'm waiting for my turn. 

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