Wednesday, January 12, 2011

someone shoot me

Today is not starting off on a good foot.
My iPhone is officially iFucked.
And to top it off, I got my period.
I don't feel like being nice to anyone today.
Brett reminds me that now we'll better know where I'm at in my cycle.
He also reminds me that my body must have needed a little more time.
Thanks for the support babe, BUT:
I want to be pregnant NOW!
Back to the phone-fuck-up.
I want to throw my beloved iPhone against a wall.
Screaming, pulling my hair I'd run away and pretend I didn't do it.
How the phone screwed up in the first place is beyond me.
If you need me, don't bother.
I wouldn't answer even if I had a phone that worked.
I feel THAT ugly today.
Good luck to those who have to come in contact with me.
It may not be pretty.

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