Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Almost 14 weeks Postpartum - Weigh In

Weigh In:
Exercise: 100 reps w/5lbs weights of arm work through our day. 100+ yoga ball crunches, lunges twice a week. 40leg lifts no weight, twice a day. 20-30mins cardio.
Work out:
Unpacking an entire house, the 30 day squat challenge, long walks with the kids & leg lifts w/lb weights
Eating Habits:
Work in progress. Smaller portions, not as many carbs & not as frequently.
Weight Loss since starting to diet/work out:

1 comment:

  1. Great job! Keep it up! whatever happens do NOT get discouraged by weight amount! With working out you are building muscle as well. I say measure your progress by clothes size if that's your goal! I weigh what I did pre preg but I swear I'm 2 cloth sizes larger than what I was.
