Monday, June 3, 2013

Memorializing the past few.

Here I am on the elliptical.

Yes that could be a barf bag jimmy rigged on there for the " just in case moment "

Just got Teo down for a nap. Emma is staring at me, she doesn't know if she wants to sleep or not. 

She sleeps most of the night & takes only 1 or 2 good naps during the day. I think she should sleep a bit now while I slave away on the exercise machine .. But! You can't force a Miller child to do anything they don't want to do. 

I can't complain too much though, like I mentioned above she sleeps like a dream. A far cry from her almost 17month old brother who still sleeps poorly.

If someone ever tells you that #1 is a trial run & that by your 2nd one you'll have it better figured out ... Well, they're telling you the truth my friends.

I weighed in yesterday.
Sadly, and not sadly I weighed in at 178. That's a 1.5lb weight gain since my last weigh in.
The positive side to this is the following:

I'm turning fat into muscle & muscle weighs more.

I really ate a bunch of wonderful food while my dad was visiting so if I did in fact drive myself back up in #'s on the scale, I enjoyed myself while I did it. 

In other news:
We went & walked through the new house yesterday, and then again today with the realtor. There's some little things here & there that are in disrepair, but they assure us it will all be completed by Friday when we go to the closing table. 

<<she gave in, she's sleeping soundly in her swing>>

Gram arrives Friday to help me with my brood while we move into the new house. She's actually coming for a month & I already wish she could stay forever. Keeping my fingers crossed that Papi will decide to come for a visit during her stay. 

About the new house! Here's a few photos of the <NEW> Miller Compound in Greenville, South Carolina

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