Thursday, July 25, 2013

When does a Mommy get to Nap?

So at the beginning of having 2 kids too close together it worked out perfectly, I could coax Emma easily into taking a nap by merely throwing a TeeT in her mouth. I would do this anytime Brother went down for his morning nap so I too could catch a few ZZ.s,

Nowadays Emma is totally onto me.
She has learned that although I feed her, and her tummy is full, that does not mean she is required to fall asleep immediately.

Now instead of drifting off to dreamland she smiles, coos, takes a giant shit, or that of the like.

I'm totally cool with her boycotting nap time for the main reason that she sleeps like a pro at night. However. Even though Mommy gets 8 hours of sleep a night, she still has to get up at least once for a matter of minutes with Teo & she has to get up for a matter of minutes to feed Emma at least once. So! As you can imagine, if you NEVER get an entire night of uninterrupted sleep - YOU ARE TIRED.

SO now, I have no other choice, I have to learn a different way to coax this little Diva into napping at the times of my choice. Mommy needs beauty sleep, bitches. Ain't nobody got time for Dark Circles!

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