Monday, January 7, 2013

When you were a Year Old ....

I was amazed by every little thing you do.
You've grown into the most amazing little person I've had the pleasure of knowing.
You're smart, funny, loving & kind. I never imagined someone so young could possess these traits, that is until I met you.
You fill my heart with never ending amounts of happiness & I've never known a love like this before.

As we fast approach your First Birthday I can't help but well up with tears.
Tears of Joy, Tears of Happiness - Maybe with a touch of sadness.
This 1st year has flown by so quickly.
It feels like yesterday your Daddy & I brought you into this world. So new, so innocent, so unknowing.

Today you walked to me, not for the first time - But every time I watch you move on your own I just watch you in awe.
It feels like just yesterday all you could do is lay there, looking around with your big brown eyes. So focused, so alert, so observant.
I knew you'd be brilliant from the 1st moment I met you.

Yesterday you hugged me, a genuine hug. A hug just to thank me for being there and for being your mom.
It feels like yesterday I could only hug you, and hold you, and cuddle you, and keep you warm, Because that's what you needed, and that's what my instinct told me to do.
And now, you are learning how to show affection of your own.

Each and every day you look at me, and your dad, with such appreciation for us being your Parents. You give us purpose, you fulfill us and in turn you look at us with an appreciation unmatched by any other. The love you've given to us will last a lifetime.

As I wish you off on your First Birthday please know my little boy that this is so bittersweet for your Mommy - This First Year has been so amazing, all the memories of you being this little soul will never be replaced, never replicated and unfortunately never relived.. a moment captured in time, always cherished, always and forever.

While you continue to grow, and learn, and move forward with your life please know my sweet boy that you were created of my flesh and blood, of your Daddy's flesh & blood, pieces of us to be carried into eternity through your children and their children and so on ... You are our Destiny - and we love you, are so proud of you & can't wait to see you grow into a young man.

I love you my sweet sweet boy, Happy Birthday.

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