Friday, January 25, 2013

Naps are for BABIES

And my 1 year old is no longer a baby ... According to him that is.

Gone are the days of multiple naps during the day thus allowing Mommy to take multiple naps during the day. He still goes down for 2 naps, and sometimes a lucky #3 - but boy oh boy - he fights it! I know you're thinking, wait a minute that is multiple naps.. but I was more referencing the multiple naps a newborn takes ( roughly 10 a day )!

Exhaustion will be pouring from the poor child & he will still try to walk about, play, laugh, etc ... As he gets sleepier he gets clumsier, so then more than ever he should be wrapped in bubble wrap
& wearing a helmet.

So now, for nap #2 - I'm taking him upstairs to lock him away in his baby dungeon in hopes that he'll peacefully drift off when I damn well know he's not going down with out a battle.

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