Wednesday, January 16, 2013

When Making Girl Babies

Things are a little bit different.
With both of my succesful pregnancies I knew what the sex of my baby was before it was actually confirmed. Not sure if I have some strange baby sex whispering ability but regardless, I knew Teo had a penis & I knew Emma had a vagina. End of Story.

Now having been pregnant with one of each sex I have discovered vast differences in myself in accordance to each baby ...

For example:

With Teo I was bat shit crazy, well .. Let's be honest, I'm bat shit crazy all the time - But man it was
amplified while I was pregnant with him. I was aggressive and angry, and I assume that was due to the over production of testosterone while I baked boy baby. I had ZERO sex drive, hated my pregnant body's appearance and really wanted to generally gouge my husbands eyes out daily.

And now with Emma - Things are SO different! While yes, I'm still crazy - It's nowhere near as bad as before. I am not aggressive, I'm overly sensitive & insecure, but still passionate and loving. My sex drive is RAGING ( my husband calls me a Dirty little MILF ) and I'm so much more comfortable in my skin this time around ( the insecurities I was talking about before don't fall in my appearances, that's more underlying bullshit that I just can't seem to kick ). I feel sexy, I want to be sexy, and I want to be worshiped.

I've enjoyed being pregnant with both my son & my daughter - Regardless of the ups & downs that come with each, but I just find it interesting how when creating different sexes you are affected differently.

I guess it really makes sense though right?

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