Saturday, January 26, 2013

Mommy & Daddy Date Night

Brett and I don't EVER ask anyone to watch Teo unless it's absolutely necessary ( ie; work related, dr's appt related ) We're very selfish when it comes to him, we like to include him in our lives & don't feel limited when it comes to socializing because we have a child. If it's something we can't do with them then normally we're just not interested in doing it. We're selfish in the fact that often times we're uninterested in sharing him  - heh - We'd rather be with him then pawn him off on someone else or give someone else the pleasure of being in his company!

With that being said -  Brett and I have been seeing a preview for a movie that we've wanted to see, which is rare. We're more the " wait until it comes on Amazon Prime " types than the let's rush out to the theater to see it... That is until we saw the preview for " Mama "

So - I'm going to go ahead and throw it out there if you are in the mood for a scare with a splash of sadness - GO SEE THIS MOVIE!
Brett and I really enjoyed ourselves, even though we missed the Little Man like CRAZY! 

1 comment:

  1. You guys sound like Kyle & I. We take Mason EVERYWHERE, or just don't go lol. I so wish you guys were closer :(
