Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ribs are made to be Jungle Gyms

My daughters feet live in my ribs.
Her hands constantly punching me in the Vagina,
and her little tush tucked along my left side.

I'm going to be really honest;
I'm getting nervous.

I know that people I say that to probably think to themselves " Um .. She probably should have thought about that before she went and got pregnant again so quickly." but that really has nothing to do with where the nerves come from. I made this decision, and I'm thrilled with it, but for anyone not to be a little bit nervous about bringing another baby into this world would be crazy!

I am not nervous about the child birth - I actually look forward to it strangely, it's such an empowering and liberating thing, not only as a woman can I create a life ( with the help of my partner of course ) but I can bring that life into this world. The human body leaves me in awe, absolute awe.

I am not nervous about caring for a newborn - I've done that! It's like riding a bicycle, once you learn you have that knowledge for life. 26 years after having me my mother knew exactly what she needed to do to help care for my newborn son, almost 50 years after having my mom my grandmother knew exactly how to care for my then infant son. It just a knowledge you will forever posses.

I am however nervous about Teo feeling left out, betrayed, confused and jealous. My little Prince is the center of our universe, my little Star, the Spotlight shines on him. So, with everything else needed to bring a child into this world harnessed safely under my Mommy Belt I will have to learn how to be the mother of 2 children. I will have to learn how to equally spread my time amongst them, how to equally shine a Spotlight on each of them, how to nurture them both, teach them both and to also find time to shower love/affection on my partner.

When I successfully accomplish the above mentioned - THEN - I may refer to myself as " Super Mom "

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