Thursday, May 26, 2011

~ Positive Vibes ~

Without saying too much I just want to throw it out there that I could use some positive thoughts and positive vibes thrown my way... I feel success is in my near future and I hope and pray I get what I want. My sensitive little heart can't take being broken again and I want this now more than ever before. Good things happen to good people, and I am a good person - I deserve this, right?

In the past year I have really sat back and reflected on my life and whether or not the hand of cards I have been dealt as of late has any correlation with my past. I can admit that I have done things I am not proud of and hurt the people around me... Mostly because I was hurting myself. I can admit to being a train wreck once upon a time ago, I can admit to being totally selfish... But at the end of the day, I truly cared about people.. I truly want the best for people.. And even on my darkest days, the top of my selfishness I wanted the best for the people I care about and I didn't have bad intention. So I ask myself, because of those decisions am I being dealt a handful of Karma? Should I have lived my life a little bit differently to ensure that in the end I would get what I thought I deserved? I'm a good person, I have good intentions... So can I have good things in turn?

I've never wanted something so badly... And now, all I can do is wait.. Wait for success or wait for heartbreak, it's all about the wait.

1 comment:

  1. positive vibes are thoroughly being sent your way! You deserve the big and better things in life! Hope it helps!!! :)
