Wednesday, May 4, 2011

April showers bring May flowers

Except it seems that it's ass backwards in the Carolina's right now.
It's May 4th and I see no flowers ( well that's not necessarily true, my husband has grown a Green thumb and the front of our house is decorated with Flowers ) only clouds holding cold rain showers.

I'm off today - have an appt @ 11am that I am OH SO NOT looking forward to, and then I have the rest of the day full of me time. I wanted to spend said ME time at the beach but apparently Mother Nature hates my guts and there will be no fun in the sun for me.

Perhaps after I leave the retched appt I'll hit the Goodwill and see if I can find something FABULOUS to paint on. My paint set has been stashed away for a few weeks, I suppose it's time that I get on that.

All is well in La Casita De Senor y Senora Miller - We took a last minute get away this weekend to go camping.. Sometimes it's nice to just get the hell out of dodge. Millions of mosquito, no-seeum, and red ant bites later I can honestly say I really enjoyed being one with the great outdoors. It was really nice to just be me, my husband and my dogs!

After weeks off the wagon, I finally jumped back on my Zumba band wagon. Yesterday was a doozy, I had to fight the urge to throw up and/or die.. I don't have the motivation to hop on the Zumba today as I did yesterday but we'll see what the afternoon holds.

I need something good and exciting to happen so I can gush in my blog about it, but life has just been pretty average. But my idea of average compared to most I must admit it pretty fucking awesome.. Just sayin...

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