Thursday, June 9, 2011

I absolutely can't stand retail...

I will not, absolutely will not, I repeat will not ever work retail again.
I have 4 days left at my current employer and I have to continuously remind myself that I don't have the luxury of throwing my arms in the air and just walking out (( probably while screaming excessive amounts of profane words. )) I need to be sure that I have a good reference after putting in almost 5 years of service to a company that has been absolutely a pleasure to work for beyond their problem customers.

Today was the icing on the cake:
Any person that thinks they can just say whatever they want to a retail employee (ie; you don't know mathematics and you must not have graduated from highschool )) should subsequently be shot.. Well maybe not shot, but slapped at the least.

Wouldn't it be super beat if you could just birch slap the ignorant and then they would in turn learn their lesson, never to speak some foolishness again? Maybe I'll give it a try, see how it works out...

So if I bitch slap you in the near future you now know why :)

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