Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fingers Crossed

I am 11 weeks into my new adventure.
I'm sure you're all just wondering why even here in my happy place I have continued to be so HUSH HUSH about what's going on.
I have to be honest, I have been doing an experiment.
An experiment to see if for once in my life I keep my big fucking mouth shut I'll have some positive outcome.

So far so good.

Talk to me in 2 weeks and we can go over details.

As for everything else, new job is fantastic.. Having weekends off is fantastic. I couldn't be any happier. Whether or not my husband is going to think everything is fantastic when he gets my part time less money paycheck is beyond me.. That's another thing I am going to have to keep you posted on. I keep reminding him it's for the greater good that I took this new job and I also remind myself to thank him daily because with out his hard work and his paycheck we would not survive. So - Shout out to Brett Miller, I love you and thank you for being an amazing provider.

It's been miserable HOT here in the Carolina recently.. I have to admit to hot to even think about going to the beach. I know it could be worse to live in the opposite side of the spectrum but I'm just saying, it's fucking steaming out there.

4th of July weekend is coming up and we have tons of fun fun fun plans.. I'm pleased to report that I have a 4 day weekend as well! WHAT - Who would have thunk it?

Was on the horn with my mum the other day and she says to me " So what's the plan for the holidays?" I almost snapped at her  ( like I have in years past ) " Mom you KNOW I can't do anything over the holidays my work schedule doesn't permit it" but I stopped myself and reminded myself that this year unlike others I will in fact be able to participate in Holiday Cheer like most other people. Oh joy, happy happy joy joy...

I think I'll give Black Friday shopping a try - It's been ages since I've done that!

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