Thursday, July 21, 2011

I shoulda coulda woulda...

... blogged a little bit more if I wasn't so busy recently. Between new job, new baby, new roommate, new paint job in my guest bathroom, new toothbrush ( I know the smaller things ) I just haven't had the time to sit down in front of my computer to do what I enjoy most... Blabber a bunch of random bullshit into cyberspace.

Summer is upon us, it's hot as h-e-double-hockey sticks and I am almost 4 months pregnant ( give or take 2 weeks, but who's getting specific right? ) I don't think the air conditioning in my car knows how to cool itself down with the the heat outside and I've had to give up on my Secret Deoderant and have been using my husbands Old Spice just to get through Summer 2011 with out smelling like ass. Sorry folks, you know I'm honest.

My husband is getting ready to turn 31 at the beginning of August. Yahoo! As he gets older I think he gets better looking.. As I get older, and more pregnant, I look back at the young something TOO hot piece of tail I was and still am ( for the time being ) and I pray to myself Please, oh god, oh whatever you are out there, please let me bounce back after the BEST THING I EVER DID graces us with it's presence in January...

We're having a Slip-n-Slide party for Brett's birthday.. Equipped with the biggest Slip-n-Slide I possibly have ever seen. After a trip to Wally World we have more tarp, hose extensions, hose spliters and Sprinklers than they have to manicure the White House's lawn. I will sit and observe the sliders from the sidelines  ( no one wants to see a pregnant chick go sliding down a hill on a tarp covered with water..of course unless you were born in a barn somewhere. ) sipping on Soda Water with a splash of Lemon ( that's my poison these days )!

My mom is coming to visit next month as well - I am absolutely thrilled to see her.. I have never wanted to hug my mom so bad in my life. Well, that may not be true - I've always been a pretty big fan of hugging that woman and smelling that woman even if she is being the biggest definition of a bitch I've ever met.. I have to admit, this apple didn't fall far from that tree - 2 peas in a pod - I am my mother's daughter - So to call her a bit of a bitch is to take ownership of it myself. But damn it Wendy, I love you and can't wait to see you!

In conclusion, Life - as mentioned a lot lately - is good.. It's really really good, and after positive thinking I've had a lot of positive outcome and I couldn't he happier... Or hungrier, it's time for a bowl of Ice Cream.

1 comment:

  1. Marlowe, I'm so happy for your happy family:) You deserve everything good that comes your way! Glad you're doing so well! :)
