Sunday, July 31, 2011

Great Party, Accomplished.

I think I am safe to say that Brett had the best 31st birthday a guy could ask for.
His Slip - N - Slide was a hit.
Everyone had TONS of fun.
He got a surprise Birthday cake.
And people showered him with love ALL day and in to the wee hours of the morning.
One more birthday Celebration to get through next weekend and we Brett can officially start his 31st year of being on Planet Earth.

Baby Miller is growing like a weed.
My belly blossoms and my boobs fit in absolutely NOTHING.
Brett took me to Wal-Mart this week to buy panties that were comfortable for me since all of my designer duds from the likes of Victoria's Secrets etc are no longer comfortable in my opinion.
As I am walking the underwear aisle I'm chuckling to myself that my life has come down to this.
I am willing to give up lace & bows for the comfort in Hanes her Way.
We have a routine appointment on Tuesday, nothing fancy - Just a check up - And I keep my fingers crossed that we will get to hear our little ray of sunshine's heart beat. I always get so excited for that.

Mum comes to town on the 10th - So excited.
I was hoping my OB/GYN would squeeze out a gender determining ultrasound during her visit but unfortunately they will only do it at 20 weeks. Have no fear though, we know how to work around the system and I have made an appointment at a private office that offers 3D/4D ultrasounds that determine gender at as early as 15 weeks. So at our 17 week mark we're heading down to SEEME3D to check out baby Miller's goods so we can finally know what flavor baby we're having! Mum is thrilled she gets to be included in this.. Oh and did I mention Brett, my step dad AND my sister are coming along for unveiling of my little ones private parts. This is a family affair folks.

I have to admit: I'm a little impatient and I bought something in yellow ( gender neutral ) today just to cure the itch to buy something baby related, so SHOOT me.

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