Monday, August 15, 2011

Great BALLS of Fire!

Well folks, after 17 weeks of waiting it's official, Baby Miller is a: BOY!

Introducing Teo Miller ( Theodore Brett Miller III )

I think most women dream of pink ribbons and bows when anticipating the arrival of their first child. I have to admit that although given my circumstances I would have been happy with any flavor baby I am absolutely relieved and floored to be having a Bouncing Baby Boy! 

There's something that tells me for my first try in the Mom Dept. I am going to excel at being the mom of a little boy. I am fully prepared for scuffed knees, runny noses and my child attempting to pee on anything he can while potty training. I am prepared to find the pot farm growing in the crawl space of my attic, for girls panties stashed under his bed and to have multiple uncomfortable conversations about things he may or may not have done. 

I can admit already that I will probably be one of those mom's that will think that their son does no wrong but I assure all of you I have full intention of raising a kind and loving young man.

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