Friday, March 25, 2011

Libra, I think I like this

Inner transformation is likely to make a big difference in your communications right now, Libra. (( I completely agree, I'm learning a whole new way of expressing myself, talking to others, and most of all LISTENING )) Your relationships could improve because you're more open and honest without being too blunt. (( I am all about relationship improvement, my marriage is rock solid but we are always growing, as for my friendships this is a HUGE area of opportunity )) You seem to have a greater understanding of the needs and desires of those closest to you. Unfortunately, this process could also involve leaving some old friends behind. Don't fight it
(( As mentioned above, my listening is getting much better.. But the issue then becomes do I like what I'm hearing.. Do I truly care about what you have to say? Do I relate, does it affect me? Do we have absolutely anything in common? But regardless of that, I am LISTENING, I identify others' needs, now I chose who's needs I intend to fill.. The obvious being those I truly love and care for. The thought of leaving some old friends behind doesn't scare me anymore, it is more liberating. I don't have to hang on just to hang on.. I would rather keep a genuine few, there isn't ALWAYS strength in numbers..Those who aren't mountain moving friends may or may not be left in the dust.. Time shall tell..I can say that those I feel closest to are those who are the farthest away. I 
suppose that's how things work sometimes though.)) 

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