Thursday, May 26, 2011

~ Positive Vibes ~

Without saying too much I just want to throw it out there that I could use some positive thoughts and positive vibes thrown my way... I feel success is in my near future and I hope and pray I get what I want. My sensitive little heart can't take being broken again and I want this now more than ever before. Good things happen to good people, and I am a good person - I deserve this, right?

In the past year I have really sat back and reflected on my life and whether or not the hand of cards I have been dealt as of late has any correlation with my past. I can admit that I have done things I am not proud of and hurt the people around me... Mostly because I was hurting myself. I can admit to being a train wreck once upon a time ago, I can admit to being totally selfish... But at the end of the day, I truly cared about people.. I truly want the best for people.. And even on my darkest days, the top of my selfishness I wanted the best for the people I care about and I didn't have bad intention. So I ask myself, because of those decisions am I being dealt a handful of Karma? Should I have lived my life a little bit differently to ensure that in the end I would get what I thought I deserved? I'm a good person, I have good intentions... So can I have good things in turn?

I've never wanted something so badly... And now, all I can do is wait.. Wait for success or wait for heartbreak, it's all about the wait.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Summertime, and the living's WAY TOO EASY

Summer is in full swing after our first floating adventure down the Edisto River, followed by our first backyard cook out, followed by my husband having a hang over on Sunday morning that he had no other choice than to in turn drink away, followed by me being VERY ready for him to hop back on the wagon for the week.

I've given up the sauce for a bit, and I'm ok with that.
Wagon living is good for me, It leaves me with a clear mind.

Green house is a-growing! The air in our home is nice and fresh from all the leaves and flowers a-bloom. And of course, the yard whisperers backyard is an amazon of growing wonder. I'm quite proud of his yard growing expertise. Now if only he'd forgive me for not allowing him to purchase the deluxe lawn mower and instead allowing him to buy the little less expensive but not quite as fancy mower that cuts the grass just fine. The man needs to learn that a high price tag doesn't mean high quality, all the time at least.

... IS anyone else getting UBER excited for the arrival of TrueBlood? Just sayin!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mr. & Mrs. MIller Grow a Green House

April showers bring May flowers

Except it seems that it's ass backwards in the Carolina's right now.
It's May 4th and I see no flowers ( well that's not necessarily true, my husband has grown a Green thumb and the front of our house is decorated with Flowers ) only clouds holding cold rain showers.

I'm off today - have an appt @ 11am that I am OH SO NOT looking forward to, and then I have the rest of the day full of me time. I wanted to spend said ME time at the beach but apparently Mother Nature hates my guts and there will be no fun in the sun for me.

Perhaps after I leave the retched appt I'll hit the Goodwill and see if I can find something FABULOUS to paint on. My paint set has been stashed away for a few weeks, I suppose it's time that I get on that.

All is well in La Casita De Senor y Senora Miller - We took a last minute get away this weekend to go camping.. Sometimes it's nice to just get the hell out of dodge. Millions of mosquito, no-seeum, and red ant bites later I can honestly say I really enjoyed being one with the great outdoors. It was really nice to just be me, my husband and my dogs!

After weeks off the wagon, I finally jumped back on my Zumba band wagon. Yesterday was a doozy, I had to fight the urge to throw up and/or die.. I don't have the motivation to hop on the Zumba today as I did yesterday but we'll see what the afternoon holds.

I need something good and exciting to happen so I can gush in my blog about it, but life has just been pretty average. But my idea of average compared to most I must admit it pretty fucking awesome.. Just sayin...

Cheesy Facebook Quiz, I just couldn't resist

The first letter of your name is (M). It means that:
You are emotional and intense. When involved in a relationship, you throw your entire being into it. Nothing stops you; there are no holds barred. You are all consuming and crave someone who is equally passionate and intense. You believe in total sexual freedom. You are willing to try anything and everything. Your supply of sexual energy is inexhaustible. You also enjoy mothering your mate.

Hm........ No comment ;)