Monday, March 6, 2017

Pulling from Positive Resources

About A Libra: Libras are first and foremost focused on other's and how they relate to them. Libra's do not like to be alone and are always in search of Partnership! For a Libra, everything is done better if it's done in a pair. Libras are good when they are paired up because they are the epitome of balance, they work in harmony and have a fair sense of play. While they are true team players at work, their favorite partnership is at home; marriage. Libra's feel most complete when they are coupled up with their lover, forever. 

Libra's want to stay on an even keel, Libras are objective, and want to do what's best for everyone. Libra's are keen strategists, they organize groups and get the job done with great poise. Libra's are ruled by Venus. Venus was a smooth seductress who was at her best amid pleasurable excess. Libra's are certainly carrying Venus' torch today, Libras are refined, cultured and have a love for beautiful things. Most of all they love beautiful people, which is why Libra's do so well at cocktail parties, at the theater, or other social gatherings around the arts. Those born under this sign always have the right thing to say and know how to make others feel comfortable. Suave? You BET!  

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