Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Itsy Bitsy, Teen Weeny.. No, it's not a bikini: It's a BABY BELLY!

We're 11 Weeks Pregnant! Almost time to come out of the Closet!

Your Baby in Week 11 of Pregnancy 
Your baby (now about two inches long) has been pretty busy this week, growing hair follicles, fingernails, and ovaries (if she's a girl). She has distinct human characteristics by now, with hands and feet in front of her body, with ears nearly in their final shape, open nasal passages on the tip of her tiny nose, a tongue and palate in the mouth, and visible nipples. What else makes her look human? Those hands and feet have individual fingers and toes (meaning good-bye to those froglike webbed hands and feet). Hooray!
HOW FREAKIN' COOL IS THAT :) No more FROGGY BABY, Our little one has individual fingers and individual toes!

Round Ligament Pain This is something you NEVER hear pregnant women talk about, this is something your girlfriends who have kids never share with you, this is COMPLETELY NORMAL. I've been experiencing this frequently at sometimes, and then not at all at others.. Really just depends. 
If you're experiencing mild, intermittent cramping along the lower part of your abdomen, this may be a sign of your stretching uterus. As your uterus stretches to make room for your growing baby, the round ligaments that support the uterus also stretch, hitting certain nerves as it does, and this can give you mild cramps. Called "round ligament pain," this cramping is a common pregnancy symptom that often occurs in the second and third trimester, though some women do experience it early in pregnancy, even at 11 weeks of pregnancy.To relieve round ligament pain, try bending toward it to relieve the pain. You can prevent these pains by changing positions more slowly. Slower movements let your round ligaments stretch slower, minimizing your discomfort. After researching I am going to attempt to make slower movements going fwd. I'll be sure to post whether or not this helps with the pain. It will be interesting to see. 


  1. Lo's bump, her bump, her bump, her bump, her lovely little bump.

    They say she's really sexy. Tryn'a feel her bump, bump. Lookin' at her bump, bump. You can look but you can't touch it. If you touch it she gon' start some drama. You don't want no drama. No, no drama, no, no, no, no BABY MAMA DRAMA.

    She's just tryn'a dance and move her bump.

    Her bump, her bump, her bump, her bump. Her lovely little bump.

  2. ... this made me laugh out loud, thank you jess.
