Brett and I's romance has been whirlwind to say the least. Nothing in the way of A Lady Gaga "Bad Romance", more of a Monkee's "I'm a Believer" love story. From the moment I met the man I knew he would be the one to move mountains, he would be my partner, my soul mate and most of all my best friend. Now, I sit here and think that I am going to add the father of my children to the list of his duties, butterflies grow in my stomach.. Along with my little wonder. My 7cm from head to butt wonder.
So fun facts: I am 8 weeks a couple days pregnant, in the pregnancy world this means the following ( and I bring you this information courtesy of multiple websites with tons of preggo info ) This week, my little tadpole is starting to look a little bit more human. Other exciting developments include: My baby's eyelids, ears, upper lip and the tip of his soon-to-be adorable button nose are forming. Junior will also sprout webbed fingers and toes this week—which I'll be well aware of in a few months, as baby starts early gymnastics classes inside of me. Baby's tiny heart has separated into four distinct chambers and is really ticking now—at a rate of 150 beats per minute. That's more than twice your resting heart rate (even when Brad Pitt is on the screen).
Let's talk about MOM: My boobs hurt, everything makes me want to cry and I have far more crazy moments than I normally do. Although my chest hurts like hell I have to admit that the growing size of my lady lumps is quite appealing to not only myself but to my better half. Too bad for him though, anytime they are touched I want to scream and go back when I didn't even know what a training bra was.. Let's say circa 1995?
Morning sickness, now let's talk about that in depth.. I would LOVE to know when that stuff will come with it's full blown fury. Every little move my stomach/bowels make I automatically assume that it has finally come to haunt me. Then to my surprise it ends up just being whatever I ate for lunch that day.. I cross my fingers and my toes that I will completely avoid this mythical sickness. ( comments? suggestions? experiences?, oh wait to jinx me - keep it to yourself )
Sense of smell is quite intense, had to take the trash out today at work. I went outside with my scarf wrapped around my face like a Talibani, I was prepared to avoid any stench that poured from the Giant Dumpster.. Mid heave-ho my gas mask fell and in a desperate attempt to stay alive I had to take one deep breathe. After doing so the smell breached my nasal walls and I was done son.. Moments later I threw up in a bush, wiped my mouth and went back to work.
Let's see what else.. Oh, constipation! No one ever mentions to you that in the early stages of pregnancy bowel movements are close to nonexistent. Well LADIES HERE'S THE TRUTH: Constipation HAPPENS, and it happens BAD! This is glamorous I tell you, a day at the Ritz. I double up my prenatal vitamin with a double shot of Fiber in hopes to spare my brown eye. If that's TMI then perhaps this blog isn't for you, move on my friend: It will only get worse from here.
Other than these minor difficulties I am absolutely glowing ( behind the pizza face outbreaks im having, also normal) I read all my books and they say all these things happen and then it comforts me. I am not going through anything abnormal, these are the facts of life and this is a beautiful thing. I am truly a lucky lady, two lives together are growing inside of me.. I am knitting a quilt of life.. And I want a taco, but I'm just saying :)
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