Monday, March 6, 2017

Been having a HELLUVA good time!

Can I just start by saying the last couple weeks I have felt more like myself than I have in MONTHS!
I have to admit I have been having a little bit too much fun for my own good, but I can honestly say that I am happy. The days of coming home from work and plastering myself to the couch are over, I have rediscovered my social life and I intend to continue to do so.

My husband and I both are on a mission to better ourselves mentally & physically.. I chose to marry a man with a metabolism of a 12 year old boy, and the drive of any world leader so I must say he is well on his way as far as his journey. I on the other hand ( although I am socially thriving per-say ) have myself going in the right direction but it's not as easy of a task for me.

Brett got me ZUMBA for Valentine's Day and I absolutely love it.. Love it to the point that when I came home from a TOO long day at the mall I popped in the DVD and started going to town... Tired or not, I want to Zumba.. I'm on a mission to get myself down a pant size, or two ( nothing crazy )! The struggle factor comes in the eating right department.. I am a meat and potato's kind of girl.. Cutting out the carbs is quite a task for me but I am trying.. and that's what counts.

I flip through old pictures I am tagged in on facebook and that's where I find my goal weight, inspiration etc.. (obviously not from the photo's where i am a case of beer deep and dancing on bars, but you know what i mean). I want to feel beautiful.. I want to love my body.. and therefor love myself a little bit more. I want the air of confidence that has been lost over the years for a variety of reasons. I have myself to blame for that, not just all the fuckwits and shitty friends that have built this disastrous pile of girl.. marlowe

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