Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sweaty, car accidents.

Both kids were screaming when I was pulling out of the garage yesterday, they had me so distracted that I backed right into the garage door as it was still opening.
Then - simultaneously both kids took massive craps in their diaper.

Yesterday was rough...

So here I am.
Plugging away on the Elliptical.
You are a fatty mess 
Keep going.

These are the pep talks I give myself while push forward over and over again on this machine.

I want to be 21 again, minus the over drinking & total abuse of being an attractive single woman. 

I could eat anything, drink anything, could sleep all day & stay up all night and still manage to look fucking awesome. 

Anywho, enough of the same bull shit whining.

I've cranked out a crazy amount of weights today, 150 ball crunches, lunges & now I'm plowing away on the Elliptical.

Haven't weighed myself yet.
I'm scared of disappointment :-(
Someone tell me to keep going. Even if it hurts move forward. 

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