Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wiggling Through 28 Weeks

28 Weeks down, 12 to go!
I keep telling myself that I am the little train that could - Not too much longer, I've made it this far, I can do it!

Brett and I went out on a limb last weekend and got ourselves a puppy.
The Cutest Puppy EVER I might add...
Major Miller is an absolute hit - Loved by all, and wanted by many - We're happy to call him the newest member of our pack!
It was like the planets aligned & this puppy was meant for us!
I know it's crazy to get a 2 month old puppy 2 months before having a baby but for those of you who know Brett & I - This is no flippin' surprise.
We're on a mission at all times to make our lives as complicated as possible!
No matter how crazy we are, and no matter how crazy our lives are there is one thing that I can say for sure: Brett & I live our lives to the fullest. There's no if's and's or but's about that.. Isn't that what life should be about anyway?

Baby Teo is a MAD MAN - I love watching my belly move and wiggle with him.. My absolute favorite is when he get his bottom all backed up into the area that surrounds my belly button and it turns into this hard little knot that I can rub and love on... As the days go by and I get closer and closer to meeting my little man I have moments of sheer fear but those moments are over taken by the moments of pure joy & excitement.

Our Co-Ed baby shower is this weekend.
We're looking forward to celebrating with all of our friends & family here in Charleston for our special day.  There's so much to celebrate and so much to be Thankful for - It will be very warming to be surrounded by these people & their love.

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