Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I am slathered in Vick's Vapor-Rub in hopes of shaking a bit of a sinus infection. I know you're asking yourself why I don't just head down to the Dr for a little scrip to fix this problem, but unfortunately ladies and gents I am unable to take anything these days due to my current "condition".

Tomorrow's my last day at Aeropostale and I couldn't be more ready.
If I didn't have to show up tomorrow I absolutely wouldn't - BUT - Because I love the girls I work with and because I want to leave in good standings I will stick it out.

My head has been feeling like a balloon ready to pop for days - Terrible!
I can honestly say that I've never had a sinus infection before and due to this I am a big baby about the whole ordeal. The throbbing never ends, my eyes hurt, my ears hurt and every few minutes I fear a bloody nose is coming on.

How cute would that be at my first day of work at the new J-0-B?

I am absolutely mortified about Thursday. Mortified, ready and excited all at the same time. I am so excited to be moving on with my life, so excited to be learning something new but also SO scared that I am going to be absolutely terrible at it. The anxiety of it all has my panties so in a wad that I am having nightly nightmares about the whole ordeal. Not good, not good at all - Especially since I am supposed to be leading a stress free lifestyle to date.

I keep reminding myself that my lifestyle will be so improved and that my over all happiness will excel..
So.. With that being said, someone remind me on Thursday morning to take a deep breathe and that everything will be a-ok?

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