I swear I am iPhone illiterate.
I've been the proud owner of an iPhone since last year. I am loud and proud about being an iPhone owner and take any chance I get to boast how awesome my phone is compared to others.
I have a confession to make.
I can't work this damn thing to save my life.
With that being said, I can do the obvious and easy things: text, email, web browser, app store, using apps, camera, emailing photos, etc...
This is where I get lost: SYNCING, my iPhone - I feel like every time I plug this sucker in something terrible happens.
For example: Today, I plug my phone in to sync all the new music I purchased today to my phone. I plug in, I follow the steps to sync and then all these frackin' windows pop up telling to do this or not to do this etc.. I click and point where I can, navigating what I think is right, 5 minutes later it says the sync is complete and I go to look @ my music library only to find that it has taken ALL of my music off of my phone, and put NONE of the new music on the phone.. I go to my itunes to see if I'll find all the removed items there.. Nope, they're not there. So now I'm irritated and have no music on my freakin' phone. Son of a bitch. So I say to myself, self, let's google the proper way to do this. Self goes to her google chrome browser and attempts to figure this thing out. What does self find, well: I'll keep you posted, let's hope my next blog is oozing with satisfaction and that i'm no more pissed then as I am now.
Eh-hem, is this why you haven't returned my phone calls?