Thursday, August 8, 2013

What does success smell like?

Success smells like popcorn popping, gasoline pumping into your tank, fresh cookies baked, your partner's musk. Success smells like Awesome.

I have to relish in the sweet smell of success .. Though, I still have work to do.

After I had Teo my step dad gave me money to go shopping for clothes. I was still so sloppy ( I'm talking about myself so it's safe to say that ) but needed a confidence boost, and he knew that. Instead of buying something I could wear at that moment I bought myself a few things that I set up in my closet as • Goal Clothes • I looked at these things, bound & determined to fit in them. As we all know, I became pregnant again & never had a chance to fit into this clothes - but I was in the process of trying when little Emma was conceived. I would try the items on & then crushed would hang them back on the hanger w/no hope in sight to wear them. 

That is until today!
2 babies later & some hard work/dedication - BAM - Mama can fit into her goal dress :) And I feel sexy, and I feel free, and I feel proud. I tried this on briefly after having Emma, it was like being in a sardine can! I again was crushed, felt defeated - but still used it as a goal. 

Now here I am! 
In the dress.
So happy.
But hungry to fit into the other things I have stashed away from my previous skinny life.

I think I can.
I think I can.
I know I can.
Lets go! 

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