Sunday, May 5, 2013

Thinking about having multiple children, take heed.

While changing Emma this am apparently she hadn't finished her business & she explosively shit all over me & the floor around where I was changing her.

Teo was pooping while I was handling Emma's disaster, I could hear him grunting in the corner. Yes, he poops in the corner - Don't judge him.

When I could tell he had finished, and Emma's massacre was cleaned up, I went to tackle his diaper.

Upon undoing the diaper & pulling it down, a bajillion popcorn turds went bouncing everywhere. Awesome. I cleaned him up, collected popcorn turds from the floor around us & finally took off the pants Emma had soiled with her booty matter.

Laundry is started.
Both kids have cleansed bowels.
And I have no pants on.

All of the above mentioned is nowhere near as exciting as the story about Emma gagging herself on my boob last night, again, it's her new favorite thing to do.. Thus causing her to barf/purge all of her stomach contents all over herself, myself, and the bed.

I called my husband in for backup, he cleaned the baby &
I changed the bed linens & finally was off to sleep by midnight.

- Sigh -

So the laundry that's started, also had all the sheets from the bed & the 2 mattress covers it leaked through to.

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