Thursday, June 28, 2012

ISO: Full time Maid

willing to work for free..
It's tough trying to do a deep clean while caring for an almost 6 month old baby who wants to do nothing but ROCK IT OUT all day.
Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't trade it for the world, BUT, he just doesn't understand what it means when Mommy says " Hold on just a second Buds mommy has cleaning chemicals that could give you cute little self cancer all over her hands " Ya know what I mean?

Trying to get this house spick & span, but it aint happening as fast I would like.
Ho hum, Ho hum.

On another note, Teo's first tooth is plunging through his gums and it's turned him into a little Baby Asshole. Fuss Fuss Fuss, sleep, eat, Fuss Fuss Fuss, play, sleep, eat, Fuss Fuss Fuss - oh and get up multiple times during the night after starting to sleep through the night just a few weeks back - WTF!

And I'm thinking about getting pregnant again after he turns one..
Am I crazy? Nah!

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