Wednesday, April 4, 2012

3 month later, and I feel....

a Routine in the making.
Our family is getting into the swing of .
Our parenting gets better & better.
and of course, Our baby is absolutely perfect in our eyes.

Teo will be 12 weeks old on Friday. We're celebrating his first Easter this weekend and I feel like if I didn't take pictures of this little person every day it would all be gone in a blink of an eye & I may have missed something. I want to document his every day, his every move, his every smile so I can look back on it and remember my precious little baby, even when I am sending him off to college.

Motherhood is an experience that is unmatched by any other.
I'd like to think that I've been good at a few things in my lifetime, maybe not exceptionally good but good nonetheless... Motherhood is something that not only I am good at but I have come into so easily. I can't even begin to tell you what this feels like, my best advice would be to allow yourself to experience it in your lifetime - Even if it's just once, carrying, birthing and raising a child is a one in a million experience.

Teo went off to daycare like a good little boy...
Made it a week before he got sick, stayed home for a week.
Went back for a week, and then we yanked him out.
I'm so tired of bitching and moaning about it that I'm not going to go into detail but I will say this: Daycare is not for the weak of heart. You have to be one hundred percent ready to hand your children over to strangers daily... You have to be ready to have little to no control over what your child is exposed to.. Including: Thrush, RSV, Runny nose, a variety of strange women... You have to allow yourself to drop them off every morning & not cry your eyes out because you're going to miss them every day.
I couldn't handle it..
I am now a stay at home mom 95% of the week.
I still work Monday's so I can get out of the house & have some adult time.
Being a stay at home Mommy is amazing.

I wont miss ANYTHING!
I wont miss one moment of this little guy growing up..
And for that I am truly happy..
And thankful!
Thankful that my husband works so hard to allow me to be at home raising our little wonder.

the Most special boy in ALL the land!

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