Wednesday, January 11, 2012

6 days!

Can you believe that it's 6 days until my Due Date!

6 Freakin' Days!

I've been put on Medical Maternity leave ( started as of Last Friday ) and I wasn't supposed to go out on Maternity Leave until this Friday the 13th. SO, I'm home WAY before anticipated without anything to really do with myself. I was so anal that I did all my nesting over the past 9 months and really didn't leave anything for these final days. I guess over prepared is better than under prepared. Now I just find myself sitting around obsessing over whether or not I need to put another receiving blanket in my hospital bag or if the little aches and pains that I feel are the onset of Labor - Finally.

We actually expected the little bugger to be here by now.. I started showing signs of early labor before Christmas and I'm already 4cm dilated, 100% effaced and Teo is sitting at -1 station ( for those that are baby retarded, 0 station is fully engaged and ready for delivery.. ) But still... No baby.

I have my 39 week appointment tomorrow where we'll be able to see if my cervix has made anymore changes and we'll also have the opportunity to set an induction date for next week! I'm thinking about asking them to just induce me on his actual due date, hell I'd do it Monday but it's Martin Luther King day and I'm not sure they do inductions on Holidays - Or do they? Eh, we shall see.. Fuck - If I could REALLY make the plans we'd be going in Friday morning, but I think they'll make me wait until 40 weeks.

I'm in relatively good spirits given the situation.

Wait that was a lie. I'm miserable. Miserably bored, Miserably huge & Miserably ready to get this show on the road. I am so anxious to meet my little one.. I keep fantasizing about what his little face will look like, will he have my features or brett's - Or will he be the perfect combination of the 2? I have had moments of anxiety where I fear about whether or not everything will be 100% ok with him too.. I opted to not have any testing done during my pregnancy ( with an exception of the obvious gestational diabetes testing and GBS testing ) so we're pretty much going into the delivery room blind of any potential issues. I am sure he will be absolutely perfect, but it would be strange for me not to worry or be apprehensive about something like that, right?

I need to get back into my blogging groove - Once the Little Prince arrives I plan to really step up my game & share my experience to you all.. I've found the best education thus far has been talking to moms about their REAL life experiences, not just relying on books and such.

For you readers out there - Make sure you shoot me a text or an email to remind me to GET ON MY BLOG :) Wish me luck in the next 6 days.
Hell - I'll even blog tomorrow with an update after the Dr's office.

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