Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Vagina has Betrayed Me

So have my boobs... The skin on my face... My sex drive...(( although much improved from T1 )) So has the skin on my ass... My hormones... My sanity... Everything has screamed mutiny & went heading for the hills... I am a stranger in my own skin! I look at my hands, my feet, my reflection in the mirror and who I was 7 months ago is ... Well ... Different. I haven't been able to coif my girlie parts in weeks! My honey pot is overgrown by weeds of summers past, remnants of grandeur shaded by the secrets of life! The power that once resided there now a dull flame, pausing during the calm before the storm. All transitioning from Pleasure Palace to the Entrance to Life for the most celebrated baby boy.. And it's worth it... I wanted this... I deserved this... I will sacrifice for ... Him! And while I sit here, sharing this, my little reminder gives me Love Taps & Thumps that remind me of why these simple, selfish or selfless sacrifices are being made ... The honey pot shall rise again!

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