Thursday, April 28, 2011

Consistently Winning...

I think I have tiger's blood running through my veins.
Although I don't have a harem of  "goddesses " to call my own, I think I am on top of my game. 

My Easter Sunday Funday was a complete success.
Fun was had by all, and I'm pleased to say that I didn't get as wasted as I did last year, yet another example of why I'm winning.
I woke up Monday morning feeling refreshed and super tan I might add.

I have this upcoming weekend off, winning.
Nothing to big planned except a Saturday night filled with birthday festivities, winning.
Husband is going out of town for Saturday and Sunday night so that mean excessive fun with my girlfriends, winning.
And I plan to make a trip to the beach at least once with my 3 days off, winning.

Overall it's a win win situation.
Don't hate me because I'm awesome. 

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