Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday Morning ... Not a moment for Manic.

Just another Manic Monday...
Had a VERY busy weekend with work!
Got a ton done. Feeling accomplished.
But boy oh boy was I tired by the time yesterday rolled around.
Worked a 4am - noon yesterday.
Came home for a quick nap.
Then hubby woke me up for some super bowl fun.
Had some family over for the game ( which was a waste of time, which i'm sure most of you know.)
Made paper snowflakes with our little Cousin Gia and colored in coloring books.
It's back to work again today, have MORE to do..
Trying to NAIL this floorset so my boss lady will be a happy camper when she get's back from vacation.
( Which she deserves )
And over all have been a focused little fox.

Had my first trip the chiropractor last week.
Which was QUITE the adventure. I was convinced that after he cracked my neck that Brett would have to wipe my ass for the rest of our lives because I was paralyzed from what normally would be a routine visit. THANKFULLY, I was fine.. It was the noise that had scared me half to death. Turns out Brett and I both need some work to promote our spinal health but no biggy we'll get it all taken care of.

Haven't had anything specifically humorous or witty to share, so sorry if the bloggsky as been a bit BORING.. I assure you there will be better material in the future!

But until then - Keep on keepin on out there in blog-reader land. I have to get ready for work :)

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