Saturday, February 26, 2011

Been having a HELLUVA good time!

Can I just start by saying the last couple weeks I have felt more like myself than I have in MONTHS!
I have to admit I have been having a little bit too much fun for my own good, but I can honestly say that I am happy. The days of coming home from work and plastering myself to the couch are over, I have rediscovered my social life and I intend to continue to do so.

My husband and I both are on a mission to better ourselves mentally & physically.. I chose to marry a man with a metabolism of a 12 year old boy, and the drive of any world leader so I must say he is well on his way as far as his journey. I on the other hand ( although I am socially thriving per-say ) have myself going in the right direction but it's not as easy of a task for me.

Brett got me ZUMBA for Valentine's Day and I absolutely love it.. Love it to the point that when I came home from a TOO long day at the mall I popped in the DVD and started going to town... Tired or not, I want to Zumba.. I'm on a mission to get myself down a pant size, or two ( nothing crazy )! The struggle factor comes in the eating right department.. I am a meat and potato's kind of girl.. Cutting out the carbs is quite a task for me but I am trying.. and that's what counts.

I flip through old pictures I am tagged in on facebook and that's where I find my goal weight, inspiration etc.. (obviously not from the photo's where i am a case of beer deep and dancing on bars, but you know what i mean). I want to feel beautiful.. I want to love my body.. and therefor love myself a little bit more. I want the air of confidence back that has been lost over the years for a variety of reasons. I have myself to blame for that, not just all the fuckwits and shitty friends that have built this disastrous pile of girl.. Marlowe had a lot to with it too. I think any woman can relate to these feelings though..

But I am on a mission.. to grow and to repair.
Every house needs improvements, my house is going to be the best looking house on the fucking block, and will have a great foundation through myself, my friends, and most importantly my loved ones.. which I have to admit anyone I call a friend these days definitely is more of a loved one than anything else.

Here goes nothing: I weighed in tonight at 148lbs.. Goal weight: 135, I think I can I think I can I think I can!
Said the little engine that COULD..

Friday, February 18, 2011

Take one and pass it down..

I stumbled across these while doing some net stalking.
I am sure each and everyone of you can relate to one of these housewife funnies in some way or another.
Scroll through them, have a giggle. 
Which do you identify with the most?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday Morning ... Not a moment for Manic.

Just another Manic Monday...
Had a VERY busy weekend with work!
Got a ton done. Feeling accomplished.
But boy oh boy was I tired by the time yesterday rolled around.
Worked a 4am - noon yesterday.
Came home for a quick nap.
Then hubby woke me up for some super bowl fun.
Had some family over for the game ( which was a waste of time, which i'm sure most of you know.)
Made paper snowflakes with our little Cousin Gia and colored in coloring books.
It's back to work again today, have MORE to do..
Trying to NAIL this floorset so my boss lady will be a happy camper when she get's back from vacation.
( Which she deserves )
And over all have been a focused little fox.

Had my first trip the chiropractor last week.
Which was QUITE the adventure. I was convinced that after he cracked my neck that Brett would have to wipe my ass for the rest of our lives because I was paralyzed from what normally would be a routine visit. THANKFULLY, I was fine.. It was the noise that had scared me half to death. Turns out Brett and I both need some work to promote our spinal health but no biggy we'll get it all taken care of.

Haven't had anything specifically humorous or witty to share, so sorry if the bloggsky as been a bit BORING.. I assure you there will be better material in the future!

But until then - Keep on keepin on out there in blog-reader land. I have to get ready for work :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

No Subject

It's been a few days since I've blogged.
No I haven't forgot about you. I have been busy.
Our weekend in DC was amazing, I am truly blessed to have such sweet and genuine family & friends.
I miss having people like that around, close by, hands reach: Just in case you need them.
My husband and my family bonded, which warmed my heart. We were able to spend time with his family, which also warmed my heart. Had a beautiful evening with on of my oldest girlfriends ( which ended in a ride on the drunk bus home, it reminded me of college ) I so enjoyed the adventure that Brett and I went on. Right down to the 8.5 hr drive we just had fun.. We needed to get out of the house. I think this trip raised many realizations for us. We've had a lot going on, we need to take a deep breathe and relax.. Everything is going to be ok. We've been thrown some curve balls, but we will come out on top. I am so happy I have such a wonderful person to share my life with. I am not a religious person ( don't judge me ) but I do believe that Brett and I were put on this earth to be together. Quoted from my wedding vows to him:

" We are two pieces of a puzzle, meant to fit " - Boy oh boy do I love you Brett Miller!

I have a smile
Stretched from ear to ear
To see you walking down the road
We meet at the lights
I stare for a while
The world around us disappears

It's just you and me
On my island of hope
Breath between us, could be miles
Let me surround you
My sea to your shore
Let me be the calm you seek

Oh but everytime I'm close to you
There's too much I can't say
And you just walk away

And I forgot
To tell you, I love you

And th' night's too long
And cold here, without you
But I grieve in my condition
For I cannot find the words to say
I need you so

Oh but everytime I'm close to you
There's too much I can't say
And you just walk away

And I forgot
To tell you, I love you
And th' night's too long
And cold here, without you
I grieve in my condition
For I cannot find the words to say
I need you so bad
I need you so bad