My oldest turned 2 on the 13th of January.
My little bundle of newborn smell is now a terrible two year old... There's so much truth to that saying. Sometimes I feel like someone has replaced my little boy with an alien. But then he looks at me, and in those big brown eyes I see my little guy & I sigh... Thank heavens, he's in there somewhere. This shall pass, each phase does, one more trying than the phase before, and so on. But this is parenthood, and I wouldn't trade it.
Our 1st snow fell yesterday since moving here to Travelers Rest. It was beautiful, almost magical like I was a younger person. I didn't see snow for the first time until later in life, so perhaps that childhood excitement is still alive inside of me. Teo loved it, Emma loved it, it was wonderful. A touch difficult to get Teo back inside from playing in the " s'noooo ", but a great time. When Brett got home from work we were finally able to stand at the window and watch our 1st snow fall as a family. Right then and there, and for the very first time, Teo said " Happy ".
My heart skipped.
and felt warm.
My little boy, for the first time ever, and in the most perfect moment told us he was a happy little boy.
I couldn't ask for anything more.