etc. Here's one of my first go's at the DIY thing, a Large Sized letter " E " made out of Coffee Filters - To be used as wall decor!
Things you will need:
A simple How - To:
1.) Find yourself a good size piece of Cardboard, or in my case I used a diaper box < as I have plenty of them around here >.
2.) Draw out your letter on your Cardboard - Make sure you're font design & size leave you with plenty of surface to stick the Coffee Filters too, and for support.
3.) Cut out your letter from the Cardboard.
4.) Start gluing Coffee Filters to Cardboard. Put pen into Coffee Filter, like pictured above. Apply glue to Coffee Filter cover tip of pen. Then stick to Cardboard.
5.) Cover entire surface of Cardboard. Glue excess or loose pieces of Coffee Filter where need be to keep shape of Letter.
6.) Cut 2 pieces of Ribbon that will sit at the length you want the Letter to hang when tied in a Bow.
7.) Glue each piece of Ribbon to the back of the Letter. Make sure you're patterned side of your Ribbon is facing out.
8.) Tie Ribbon in bow & VOILA!
Finished Product!