Monday, February 18, 2013

The end is near ...

5cm & 80% effaced at 36w 4d!
This little girl is making progress and she's making it faster than I expected.

I knew my cervix would change quickly but not this quickly!

I am absolutely ready to welcome her and I am absolutely ready to see her beautiful little face.

I need her to stay put until my Mom arrives on the 6th of March! She missed my last delivery & I have my heart set on her being here for this one.

So please little Emma, hang in there! <3

Monday, February 4, 2013

No good, very bad day!

I feel absolutely awful today.
No energy.
Stuffy nose.
Soar throat.
Itchy eyes.
I just want to curl up in a ball & sleep - But! Moms don't get that luxury.

I have a doctors appt tomorrow morning with the OB! Can't wait to see what little miss has been upto. 4 weeks & 3 days until she's here!! Eek! I can't freakin' believe it!

On the list of things to do:
- Baby shower tomorrow!
- Sterilize breast pump pieces.
- Sterilize bottles.
- Do a bit of her laundry.
- Set up changing station basket downstairs & upstairs.
- Finalize hospital bags.
And then .. We're ready .. To have a baby!
