Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Television - VS - No Television

Today is a learning exercise for me.

While we have painters here updating the appearance of our home ( thank Christ, considering there were 13 people including 5 dogs living in our home before it become ours ) we don't have access to Television.

We've had to pull everything away from walls, take down pictures, and pretty much remove ourselves from things that normally would give us the comforts of "home" so to speak.

I've gone through stages in my life where TV wasn't an issue for me. I've lived without Cable before, had cable and didn't watch much of it before, and have been absolutely dependent on the damn thing a time or two as well..

As the days, weeks, months count down until D-Day ( also known as my Due Date ) Brett & I are reviewing the family finances and coming up with a game plan so we don't have to live lives less ordinary. Although we're becoming parents and it's the happiest time of our lives it's also a time in which we have to re-evaluate things to determine how we want to be parents, be individuals, enjoy things we had before, and give our kids everything they deserve. There's certain things that are non-negotiable in becoming parents and altering our lifestyles, for example:

  • Traveling, Brett and I love to travel - We always want to be able to travel. Traveling with 1 kid, or 2 at the most, is cheaper than traveling with let's say 5. Weekend getaways are a must for us, and are not going to  be a thing of the past just because of the Little Prince. 
  • Socializing, We're social beings. Socializing costs money. Friends & Family enjoy going out to eat, shopping, going to events that cost money, etc.. This is a non-negotiable when it comes to being a parent. 
  • Finances, EVERYONE wants to be financially sound. Unfortunately as younger people Brett & I made some financial decisions that we're still paying and will be paying for in the future. But we have it set in our plan to become more financially stable and to clear ourselves of any fuck ups. We're all young once, we all make stupid decisions and we all pay for them - Some more than others. Compared to the lot, we're doing ok!
  • Self Identity, while yes I am going to be Teo's mom - I will at the end of every day still be MARLOWE. Marlowe is a person who needs love and caring, needs time to express herself and time to let loose. Marlowe is sensitive and reckless ( well were working on the reckless part obviously ) Marlowe doesn't want to lose Marlowe while becoming Marlowe Teo's Mommy! The same applies for Brett.
  • Things, as humans we accumulate things. Are we excessive, by no means.. If Brett and I need something we get it - After careful thinking we plan what we need and purchase it. No one should go with out.
  • Education, We want our kid(s) to have THE best education that possibly can have. If that means putting them into a Daycare that's more expensive than the one next door because they're going to teach my baby "Baby Signing" then yes - We will have it, no matter the cost.
I think the point is pretty well made that while being good parents and being selfish individuals at the same time we plan to figure out ways to have the things/experiences/offerings that we need. 

In order to do all that you have to plan... 
Where can we cut corners?
How can we save?
How can we get to the place where we don't have to worry?
Do we worry now? Sometimes. Do we make it work? Always. Are we comfortable? Compared to others we're golden. But in the reality of everyone's situation it can ALWAYS be better.. Never Settle! 

So this learning exercise comes into play here - Could we live with out television? Cable television that is. Let' compare cable prices, what do you pay for your cable? DISH network to get EVERYTHING you'd really want you're going to pay about $75.00 that may or may not include internet, Comcast For TV & Internet $70.00, Time Warner Cable which is like your basic local cable is about $79.00 - So EITHER WAY, you're paying an estimate of let's say $75 per month for 12 months.. 
That's $1000.00 we could be saving EVERY year... 

$1000.00 sounds like some $$ towards DIAPERS, BILLS, or even.. A VACATION! 

Not to mention the fact that my kid is NOT going to sit in front of a TV for amusement all the time.. A disney movie from time to time, yes - But endless amounts of TV.. I think not. 

And hey - Netflix is $14 or so a month - And you can get movies & tv shows.

So, I think the lesson is learned.. 
Now to go through with getting rid of the cable ( eek, we can DO IT! ) 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

No Title necessary...

... Because im just babbling ... I'm up late tonight. Stayed up to wish one of my oldest friends a happy birthday. She's 26 this year. As am I - but I'm not really ready to talk about that. Or maybe I am. I still have a month until my actual birthday, but that's soon enough. Or far enough away. Or however you want to look at it. I spent my 25th birthday pregnant. I'm spending my 26th birthday pregnant. In the wide spectrum of things it really makes it seem like I spent the better part of this year pregnant. But we all know that's not really how it works. This year on my pregnant birthday I have much more to celebrate. I've successfully stayed with child into the safety zone of my second trimester. I've made it through my 1st year of marriage. I made a drastic change in my professional life. And lastly I've made some big improvements to my life as a house... So why am I so melancholy about this birthday.. This 26th birthday... I guess it's because it's getting more clear that youth while still at my finger tips is not what it was before. Some of those feelings, experiences, ideas that once were so close now feel so far away. When I replay memories of my life thus far I have an overwhelming sense of satisfaction. I feel whole, like I've done everything I was supposed to do so far... I don't think I left any stone unturned, any words left unsaid, and so on.. This could be wrong. This could be my perception of things. But who's really keeping track? The only thing that scares the shit out of me is that as time goes on... As my life molds from one thing to the next... Those familiar feelings of life, freedom, first time experience, lack of responsibility, passion, laughter, -youth-, those feelings still so familiar now, will be gone forever. They'll be replaced with other more mature feelings... In growing up we morph from one version of ourselves to the next.... How can we be sure that no bits and pieces are lost along the way? Think about it that way and it kind of makes the whole idea of a birthday a bit dark, even if there is a ton to celebrate... For the time being, screw being dark. I'm going to celebrate.